July was the last international flight I took with Aidan, who at the time was only 10 months old. Back then, he slept on the night flight going over and was still easy to hold in my lap. Those days are so over!

We arrived in Amsterdam this morning after a 9 hour overnight flight. The fun began on the way to the airport, when out of nowhere, Aidan vomited like I've never seen most adults do. Soon as we arrived at JFK, we quickly checked in so I could get him cleaned up before boarding. Time was tight, so we had to go through security first. As I carried him through the metal detector, he suddenly let it all out again, upchucking all over me and the floor. Never once did he cry or make a fuss. Just scared me a bit and left a man-sized mess for TSA. I darted to the bathroom near the gate and stripped him down, sponge bathed him and tossed his clothes. Fortunately, I always pack extra for him, sadly though, not for me.  Oh well, I hoped the stench of my vomit drenched clothes would clear us an empty seat on the packed flight, because it occurred to me just this trip, my baby is a toddler now!  A 25+ pound little human! (He's a 12 kilogram boy!)


Vomitus not withstanding,  we did get lucky with an empty seat, so I was certain after pitching the usual inflight tent and bed for Aidan, he'd go out just as dinner was being served.  No such luck.  This flight, with all of the wonderful attention he drew, was just too much fun to sleep through.  So, we shared my pasta dinner and roamed the aisles together in between Aidan climbing me to conduct over-the-seat-back flirtatious advances toward the 3 women in the seats behind us. It was 8 hours of picking up, putting down, silly songs, silly dances, rescuing toys, preventing spills, accepting compliments and well just laughing at this cheeky boy who seemed to designate himself the mayor of the flight!  Tired as I was, it was all too damn funny and adorable to not just enjoy.

He finally zonked out an hour before landing but then it was getting bags, passing customs, shuttle to airport, pleading for early check in, bath and bed! 


He slept in an hour past me this morning, allowing me to suck down some coffee before planning our first trip together into one of my favorite cities, Amsterdam.


I always say that my fave part of the tour is the first day, once I've napped a bit from the travel and know I have a full day and evening, usually alone before the band arrives, so I can do some exploring. This time, I got to do it with my favorite travel companion. Seeing one of my favorite cities through these new eyes of wonder, I fell in love with Amsterdam all over again. 


Holland! It's great to be back!  We have a lot to celebrate this week because in addition to sharing some rocking live shows with y'all, the new album is mastered and ready to go!

Those of you who joined my PledgeMusic Campaign will be getting your advance digital download very soon!  There is still time to join the campaign, pre-order Love Lives On and get your advance digital download!  

Thank you all for taking this trip on the long road of life with me. Love Lives On.

Here's to many more trips!

Love, Dana
